The anthahapura or Zenana Enclosure is a secluded and fortified area specially reserved for the royal ladies of the Vijayanagara empire. It is located near the royal enclosure.
No men except the king were allowed to enter inside the enclosure. It is a sprawling compound that had tall broad walls made out of cut stones arranged in interesting patterns that surrounded it on all sides and had watchtowers to keep guard against any trespassers.
Zenana Enclosure includes several structures such as the queen’s palace, treasury building, Lotus Mahal, Jal Mahal, Elephant Stable, and watch towers. The major attraction is the most remarkable structure in Hampi – the Lotus Mahal.
The structures of The Zenana Enclosure are created with Indo-Islamic architectural style of architecture. Most of the structures present here in the enclosure are in a ruined condition whereas the Lotus Mahal is not damaged.
Lotus Mahal
The Lotus Mahal is built in the Indo-Islamic style of architecture. Britishers called this building Lotus Mahal for its lotus-like appearance. This building was known earlier as Kamala Mahal and Chitrangini Mahal. The balcony and the passages of the Lotus Mahal are covered with a dome that looks like an opened lotus bud. The central dome is also carved as a lotus bud.
There are three watchtowers in the Zenana Enclosure in east, south-east, and north directions. These watchtowers are not part of the enclosure wall. Each watch tower is unique, with each in different share. One is square, one is rectangular, and the other is octagonal.
As you enter the Zenana Enclosure, to your left, there is a small vaulted building with tiny vent holes on its wall. It has one small door guarded by two elephant sculptures. This building was royal treasury, which is not used as archaeological store.
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